Reaching down arm-deep into bright water
I gathered on white sand under waves
Shells, drifted up on beaches where I alone
Inhabit a finite world of years and days.
I reached my arm down a myriad years
To gather treasure from the yester-milliennial sea-floor,
Held in my fingers forms shaped on the day of creation.
- Kathleen Raine

Friday, April 23, 2010

Auction + Wine = Trouble

It seems I cannot hold myself back from an auction. There is nothing like a attention grabbing all consuming live auction. Bidders in competition to get the item that they so desire and the thrill of winning the highest bid and proving that yes, you, are the one who did desire the perceived necessity more than all others. Now through in the factor that all the money raised is going to a good cause or charity the thrill is irresistible and I am unable to keep my hand out of the air.
Last evening I again fell victim to the all mighty auctioneer and have now added yet another odd item to my list of auction winnings. This is not say that all things i have bid on and won have odd, I have won some beautiful pieces of jewelry and art and even some great tickets and weekends away. However, it seems I have also won myself a fair share of odd things as well. Most recently would be a date with my best friend. Last night he was up for bid at a Date Auction for his new charity the bids started low and my goal was to only help get the number higher. Well I could not control myself the competitive beast in me came rearing it's ugly head and i had to win that date. Have I mentioned that I am engaged to beautiful and patient man.
Well when I came to work this morning and saw my little red light flashing up at me from my phone indicating that I have messages awaiting for me. It was after listening to my message did I know realize that I have a problem. Not only did i have a nessage in regards to my winning bid on Fred last night but, there was also one in regards to the half a Black Angus cow that I had won last summer at another benefit and had yet to claim it nine months later.
What is one to do. I have not put myself or others in jeopardy or gone into financial ruins if anything I have benefited society with my generosity. However, I must find control and limit myself to only those items that are absolutely necessary and that I cannot live without. But, if I am to use that as a tool to guide my bidding actions both the cow and Fred would be biddable. How is one to live without a best friend and without Black Angus?

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